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“Unlocking the Dark Side: Can Your Chart Reveal Hidden Malevolence?”

Added on December 1, 2024 inFREE ASTROLOGY

What if I told you that the energy chart of a person is more like a light switch than a crystal ball? That’s right! While some might peep at astrological charts and assume they can foretell potential evil lurking beneath the surface—like a villain in a movie waiting for its cue—it’s not quite that simple, is it? Astrology, much like electricity, doesn’t inherently possess good or bad. Instead, it’s how that energy is directed that makes all the difference. Ever thought about how you can use a humble electrical outlet to either fry an egg or light up your festive tree? Yup, it’s all about intention. In this article, we delve into that intriguing notion: Can we truly judge a person’s potential for malevolence by their astrological chart? Well, hang tight and let’s explore this captivating topic together! LEARN MORE

electric chair“Are there any aspects in a chart that make you leery that the native might use his powers for ill?”

I don’t think you can see evil in a person’s chart. The chart shows a person’s energy and energy is neutral, until directed.

You can think in terms of electricity. Electricity is energy, right? You can electrocute a human being with it. Alternately you light up a Christmas tree!

Money is energy. You can hire a hit man with your cash and have someone killed… or you can put a kid through college.

So no. I don’t think you can look at a chart and have the expectation a person is going to be a nasty piece of work. There are examples of this all over the place. There are plenty of good people with bad charts and horrible people with great charts.

Matter of fact, a person with a chart with a lot of hard aspects, often behaves better than someone with a chart full of trines. This happens because the person with all the conflicts is constantly getting clocked, while the person with the easy chart, skates through.

In real terms, a person can have a difficult chart grow up abused, or with some other kind of unsavory parenting situation.  Some exit a situation like that and turn around and abuse their kids, but others do the exact opposite.

This is what you never see me say, “this person killed because of their Mars”.  The person killed because they wanted to.  Research backs this up:

Research Shows That Crimes Of Passion Don’t Exist

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