Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought, “Wow, am I just a little too conscientious for my own good?” Well, you’re not alone! Recently, I took a dive into my own Personality Scores after a gal tipped me for hers, and let me tell you, the insights were nothing short of eye-opening! I mean, with a score of 226 in “Sense of Duty and Obligation,” it’s safe to say, I wear my conscience like a badge of honor—maybe even to a fault! But that got me reflecting on how astrology isn’t just a bunch of nebulous star stuff; it’s an intricate roadmap revealing our complex selves, our hidden selves, and those blind spots we tend to gloss over. You know, the things that don’t always make it into our press kits! So, join me as I wander through this quirky landscape of self-discovery using my natal chart and see how understanding our personality can lead to some truly remarkable revelations. It’s like having a cosmic X-ray just for you! Curious? Well, let’s crack this open together… LEARN MORE.
I just had a gal leave a tip and ask for her Personality Scores. I filled her order, and then decided to peek at mine, as it’s been awhile.
There are 25 different scores. 100 is average. This is my highest value:
25. Sense of duty and obligation. Conscience and guilt: 226
I thought this was interesting in light of the recent psychopath stuff.
I also decided to pull up this old post in case there are new people here who are curious…
This is a bit off the wall, but interesting. Years ago, I wrote about astrology not being “flat”. Astrology isn’t flat because people aren’t flat. They are marvelously complex. You can never know someone completely, even if the person is yourself!
So astrology is able to show us our blind spots. These are things we don’t up in our “press kits”. We may deny our “bad” but we deny our “good” just as often! It’s just hard to see around your backside. Doctors have x-rays or MRIs. Astrologers have charts!
Comprehending your basic natal chart is the best place to start but here’s another odd thing. I have this Personality Score deal that uses your natal chart to rank your interests in 25 categories. Interpretation via computer may be limited but it runs around natural human bias, both yours and mine!
We played with this back in 2011. Satori wrote about it here: Personality Reports & Doughnuts. I trotted this out, yesterday when a friend and client was asking about ways to increase her understanding of her chart. Later, I decided to look at my own scores. Some of them surprised me so I decided to renew my old offer.
I will send anyone their Personality Report for a small tip. Here’s a sample report: Astrology Personality Scores.
There is a discussion about this here: Astrology Personality Scores – Forum. I shared my highest (and lowest) scores. It’s revealing. Revealing to you but also to me!
You never know when a little piece like this can crack something open for you. Matter of fact, that’s exactly how it works, most of the time!
Also, I had a mom buy one for each of her five children. She plans to give them to them for Christmas, as a conversation starter for one thing. It’s ingenious.
To get your Personality Score – Buy me a ko-fi or tip here.
I try to be quick. If I am asleep when you order, “quick” will be slow! If you know I have your birth data, great! If not, please provide it. There’s a place to add a note… or you can email me.