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“Unlock the Secrets of the Cancer Full Moon: How This Week’s Cosmic Shift Will Impact Your Life!”

Added on January 13, 2025 inFREE ASTROLOGY

As the week unfolds, you might find yourself caught in a cosmic dance that feels anything but ordinary! Late Sunday and into early Monday, the Capricorn Sun wraps up its trine with retro Uranus in Taurus, a transit that often goes unnoticed. But trust me, this one’s about to pull back the curtain on emotional revelations just in time for Monday’s full moon in Cancer. As those celestial bodies align, remember that navigating these astrological currents can be as tricky as a cat on a hot tin roof! So, how are you feeling about it all? Is that knot in your stomach excitement or anxiety? This week offers a unique opportunity for growth and introspection as emotions intensify—often leading us toward paths we didn’t even know we needed to explore. Buckle up, because we’re diving deep into the cosmic wisdom that can help us find our footing amidst the emotional storms.


wrapLate Sunday/early Monday, the Capricorn Sun finishes its trine to retro Uranus in Taurus. I don’t usually note such transits, ones that won’t get a chance to develop during the week. However, this one precedes Monday afternoon’s full moon opposition and is still quite tight as the full moon culminates: a trine from the Sun and a sextile from the Cancer Moon.

Before the exact opposition and its sextile to retro Uranus, the Cancer Moon squares Chiron in Aries. So the situation going in is controlled, tense, dynamic, and uncomfortable. It’s emotional, even if it does not appear so. However, retro Uranus puts a thumb on the scales: there’s a concrete path OUT, into something beneficial. So we do learn, and we do carry through a thread of tangible upgrades and improvement. This ending is quite likely to put right something that’s gone wrong previously. OR, it presents the opportunity to do so.

After the exact full Cancer Moon, the Moon goes on to conjoin retro Mars and trine Pisces Neptune. Smooth, sweet, and satisfying sailing. The calm after the storm, the embrace after the story. If action is required, the capacity is there. Retro Mars moves back as the Cap Sun moves forward to perfect their opposition by Wednesday night. The Sun goes on to sextile Neptune, exact early Friday. Action related to Monday’s full moon impacts the foundation of our personal goals going forward. Going forward may mean going back, either literally (re-doing) or metaphorically (handling family or past matters emotionally before we can proceed).

Stay out of fights you didn’t choose. If it’s a fight you chose, make sure you have a goal in mind and stick to your intent for making progress. In any case, we’ll have invisible help finding or materializing that path.

Tuesday’s Leo Moon opposes Aquarius Pluto, so be aware of which pocket you keep your powder and which one you keep your fire. Egos flame up if you’re not intent on staying the righteous, humanitarian course. The Moon goes on to light up two yods simultaneously. The first features a Moon to retro Jupiter (in Gemini) sextile that points at Mercury in Capricorn, and the second has a Mercury and Pisces Venus sextile with the Moon as its outlet. A lot of folks will be in the mood to spread the news, while just as many will be adding their own special twist as it’s passed on. How it’s all received will depend on who it’s about and how they feel about it. Still, there are plenty of reasons to expect the news will be good.

The Mercury-Venus sextile holds through Sunday morning, so be aware of what you’re speaking into existence. Midday Tuesday, Venus perfects a square to retro Jupiter and moves closer to Pisces Saturn (their conjunction exact on Saturday). Push-pull dynamics have an effect on our desires and our relationship to love and money. Venus-Saturn is known for smaller returns, if any. However, the addition of Mercury to the mix (with Mercury’s sign ruler Saturn wrapped up too), there’s an answer, an attitude, a clue that we only have to pay attention, persevere, and hold ourselves to a strong moral standard in order to access a long-awaited benefit.

Wednesday morning, retro Mars picks up a sextile to retro Uranus on the last day of Mars’ applying opposition to the Sun. Inspiration takes us that last mile, but it also gives us the steam to be a bit “extra”, in a good way. The Leo Moon trines Chiron, so that trine’s fire supports a mood of mastery in action. The Moon goes on to form a t-square with the retro Uranus, Scorpio Juno opposition — a passion for life, even if a bit volatile or possessive (or past focused). The Moon then crosses the point of a yod from the Sun-Neptune sextile, and more pressing events, bigger fish to fry even out the mood. It’s possible to grab some context and even correct an intractable competitive streak through this turn of events. Look for a practical approach to shift reality.

Thursday morning, the Leo Moon slips away from its quincunxes to the Sun-Neptune sextile then heads into Mercury-ruled Virgo where it quincunxes Aquarius Pluto. Ego is often seen as a challenge or an insult, but here it’s a challenge to stay centered in the self. Yes we need to navigate our interaction with the rest of humanity, but without a practical locus of control for our passions – one solidly within our reach and understanding, it all falls apart — or blows apart. It’s a tippy space where we keep perspective between our needs, the collective needs, and what makes sense. It’s your world, and you are the arbiter of truth in your world.

On Friday, the Virgo Moon squares retro Jupiter, trines Mercury, then opposes the Venus-Saturn conjunction. Take things at a reasonable pace. You may find yourself frustrated, pulled in too many directions. However, when you organize, you’ve got the magic touch. All things in their own time; that’s the only way they come.

The full moon takes place at 24 degrees of Cancer on Monday afternoon. How are you feeling? Where does that hit your chart?

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