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“Unlocking the Secrets: What Truly Makes Some People Bounce Back from Adversity?”

Added on September 15, 2024 inFREE ASTROLOGY

sereI have read this post here (A Grueling Life With Meaning… And Bliss On The Sly) and have a question. What in a person’s chart shows this ability to handle terrible things when they happen, a capacity to be able to ‘take it’? I think in the comments you mentioned that for you it’s Jupiter […]


Have you ever wondered what allows some people to endure hardships while others seem to crumble like a cheap chair? It’s like a cosmic game of poker—some folks come equipped with a royal flush, while others can barely bluff their way through a bad hand. In the world of astrology, where the stars dictate every shuffle of our emotional deck, resilience can often be traced in our charts. In this article, we unravel the mysteries of resilience through a detailed exploration of astrological influences, including the intriguing roles of Jupiter and Mars. We’ll dive into experiences from personal stories that illustrate how, even in the depths of despair or “torture school,” as a tongue-in-cheek nod to difficulties might suggest, people learn to rise above and navigate life’s turbulence. So, what’s your astrological armor? Let’s explore!


sereI have read this post here (A Grueling Life With Meaning… And Bliss On The Sly) and have a question. What in a person’s chart shows this ability to handle terrible things when they happen, a capacity to be able to ‘take it’?

I think in the comments you mentioned that for you it’s Jupiter associated 8th house but that’s probably not the only thing, right?

I also remember a few posts where you talk about people who cannot be hurt even if anyone tries to hurt them. So who are these people? What are we looking for in their chart? Thank you

Unambitious Capricorn

Great and challenging question, Capricorn.  If you search the blog, resilient, I’ve written about this over the years but I admire your power of perception, re: “that’s probably not the only thing, right?”

Right! I see Jupiter’s connection to my 8th house to be sort of a “Wolverine” type energy.  Super hard to kill. But I have and I use other skills.

Jupiter Uranus allows me to detach and see the larger story. This is going on know, but what about later?  Let’s hang in and find out!  See the optimism?

This energy also allows me dissociate and view a scene as if I’m not in it.  The scene in my,  California story, where I am suffering a humiliating beating is an example. I was joking in my head, throughout the beating. I literally thought the irony of it all was, hysterical.

I did a similar thing during another humiliating, possibly life-threatening beating, in The Last Time W Beat Me, a story in my book.  My mind was running (Mercury Mars) around all the possibilities (9th house) and again, I was telling myself jokes, because, why not?

I might have learned this from my sister, primarily, my oldest, double Sagittarius sister.  You could not keep this chick down for ten seconds.  Regardless of what was done to her, she was up and pontificating, nearly immediately.  This suggests, a person could learn to be more resilient, just like they can be taught otherwise.

cf perez felt Mars was the key. I presented and fleshed out her theory here:

Mars and The Resilient Child

I’ll add to this now: my Sagittarius sister has a Scorpio Mars.  She’d be intending to escape out the window to go party, once our parents were asleep.   Beatings were irrelevant to her future good time!

We all acted in this manner.  I went out the window, many times, expecting to be beaten upon my return. It was not a deterrent at all.  The same with my middle sister.  We’re Jupitarians.  We also all had Capricorn rising and guess what?  You’re not running our life – we are!  Definance!

I actually worked out the optimum time to come home through the window – 3 AM.  If he heard us coming in, he’d not want to get up and beat us – even if he did, he’d be groggy, see? This worked!  Point being, this argues for Mars.  I have the Mercury Mars conjunction. I’ve always thought tactically.  Maybe I’m resilient because I’m keen to prevail?


nineRegarding, “the people who can’t be hurt”; I know what you’re talking about but I can’t find the post.  If someone else can, I’ll edit this and include a link. That post was about people who wanted their ex’s to struggle after breaking up with them. They wanted to injure them or see them harmed for all the pain they’d caused.

I understand the sentiment, but there are people out there with so much protection, you can’t take them out.  There are various situations that give this quality.  Of the top of my head, things like a Grand trine involving the sun, moon and Jupiter exalted in Cancer. You can cut this person’s leg off and they’re still going to bounce. Bounce and move on, actually.

There really isn’t one aspect. I have seen charts where eight of the nine planets are involved in ONE Grand Trine.  Where’s the vulnerability, huh?

The pictures are both me.  In the top one, I’m wearing my husband’s SERE school sweatshirt which he gave me.   It’s Special Forces “torture school”.  He’d concluded I deserved it as much as he did; been through as much.

The other one, I’m in the depths of hell at that point. Maybe nine years old?  That’s one of the dresses my mother made; too short because it’s the end of the school year, I’m sure.  I’m holding one of my cats.  My father used to twist their heads to torment me, but I remember that picture being taken. I couldn’t wait to have a picture with my cat. I thought I was going somewhere in life.

This leaves me with a last thought. I started planning to leave home when I was six years old. I felt I had a future.  I also think I used my father’s energy in that every time he messed with me, he hardened my resolve.

It’s like playing cards. You can lose any number of hands and still take the pot in the end.  To me, the most amazing this is I’ve had no hard will against him, since the last time he beat me at 17 years old. Somehow I know that’s a waste of energy and energy is not something I like to waste!

Are you a resilient person?  What factors make you this way? 
If you are not resilient, what factors create your situation?

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