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“Unleashing Inner Fire: How the Aries Full Moon This Week Will Transform Your Life!”

Added on October 13, 2024 inFREE ASTROLOGY

As the celestial drama unfolds above us, the cosmos is throwing us some spicy challenges and revelations! Ever felt like the universe is determined to keep us on our toes? Well, this week sees the Libra Sun squaring off against Pluto, while Mars is preparing for a showdown. Add a feisty full moon in Aries, and it feels like we’re all just moments away from a thunderous “hold my drink” moment! How do we navigate these shifting energies without losing our cool—or worse, our cat? Grab your favorite beverage and settle in as we dive into the astrologic whirlpool of this adventurous week, where our desires clash and transform right before our eyes. Because really, what better time to embrace a little chaos than when the universe is practically serving it up on a silver platter! LEARN MORE.

wildfireThe Libra Sun has passed its exact square to Cancer Mars and now moves into square with Pluto in Capricorn. Mars heads into opposition with Pluto in a vigorous tussle that peaks in early November. This week’s full moon in Aries shows up as the fourth leg of a cardinal square.

Building toward Thursday morning’s full moon, Libra ruler Venus (in Scorpio) opposes retro Uranus in Taurus on Monday afternoon and trines retro Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday night. It perfects a sextile to Pluto right on the heels of the full moon, then heads into Sagittarius in the afternoon.

Deep desires prompt internal changes to that which we hold dear — or they change US. A fog of pretty dreams casts a glamor on those hopes we pursue. It’s not the worst thing to wish for the best, not so long as we keep our mind open. It’s also possible to tune our values and longings to channel the ideal in our yearning for connection with others.

I don’t know that Scorpio Mercury is known for an open mind, but it is known for spotting fakes; so that’s a good thing. Venus approaching sextile to Pluto has us smacking our lips (and wiggling our hips) at titillating thrills, but Mercury will follow along with just the right questions.

The Sun conjoins Juno, exact midweek, so this pulls Juno in for the cardinal grand square on the full moon. I’d watch for jealousy, envy, and possessiveness, and for sure I wouldn’t be making any rash, emotional moves.

Okay, so the wildfire down the road appears to be burning a structure. So I’m going to start packing up the van and BabyJane will be bringing me a cat carrier for Henri. The fire copters are picking up loads in the neighbor’s yard, so I don’t expect the fire will come here. However, we’re on a level 2 and that means get off the computer and put your business in the car just in case.

I’ll come back later to put the Moon stuff in and edit this (sorry for the errors!).

All right! The helicopters are still turning around over the house, but I’m out of the evacuation zone now and I’m used to the sound.

Monday’s Pisces Moon conjoins retro Saturn midday then goes on to square retro Jupiter in Gemini and trine Cancer Mars overnight. Slowing one’s roll is stabilizing as Venus’ sassy antics climb toward their pinnacle; but feel free to move it, move it when you need to.

On Tuesday, the Pisces Moon sextiles retro Uranus, trines Venus, conjoins retro Neptune, then sextiles Pluto. What you need, what you want… is it real — or should you let it go? It’s not a struggle here, though. It’s an emotionally evolved symphony if you stay in the groove. By afternoon, the Moon moves to Aries and a quincunx to Mercury: What you feel affects what you think, and what you think affects both what you feel and what you do. Of course! But you have to think it through for those actions to work or make any sense. Aim for satisfaction (satisfying action).

Wednesday, the Moon sails through Aries till evening when it conjoins retro Chiron and sextiles retro Jupiter. It then goes on to square Mars overnight. Get on your feet as early as the mood strikes and the momentum will carry you through. When the Moon hits Chiron, you’ll either feel you’ve missed an opportunity or that you’ve made it (whew!). Either way has Jupiter blowing up the feeling, and Mars could leave you stressed or guilty — OR nice and tired. Remember, this is the day of the Sun-Juno conjunction (with wide squares to Mars and Pluto), so acting out is OUT, but playing with passion is IN.

Thursday morning, the Aries Moon opposes the Libra Sun for the super-spicy full moon grand square. Immediately after, Venus perfects its sextile to Pluto, and then the Moon makes its exact square to Pluto midday.

For this full moon, Venus talks to the Sun and Mars talks to the Moon. Desire is intense and what we want presents an opportunity for rebirth, change, and growth through adversity. Action, well, it may be a bit of a gut punch in the moment, but ultimately it’s necessary. Don’t let fear keep you from doing what you need to do.

Thursday afternoon the Moon leaves Aries for Venus-ruled Taurus then goes on to oppose Mercury overnight. As the mood mellows and settles, news of note comes in. OR, you sense the news of note, and it’s got an earthy, fallen leaves sort of mind-scent. Take it in, consider end game. Not what you’ll do, but possible consequences — the whole myriad of interconnected worlds this new line of thinking opens up.

On Friday, the Taurus Moon stretches out till midday when it sextiles retro Saturn. It then goes another stretch till it hits the midpoint of the Jupiter-Chiron sextile by night. Take your time; respond to the collective mood for settled pleasure. By the time night comes, the push-pull feels like support and insulation, maybe even joy!

The helicopters are still helicoptering (over me), but I’m almostly certainly out of harm’s way now. Thursday morning’s full moon takes place at 24 degrees Aries. Where does that hit your chart? What are you wishing for?

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