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“Can You Uncover the Hidden Stories Behind These Iconic ’80s Music Videos?”

Added on October 26, 2024 inFree Music News

Ah, the ’80s! A decade known for its big hair, even bigger fashion statements, and of course, the absolutely iconic music videos that made waves on MTV. Remember when waiting for your favorite video to premiere was like waiting for the next season of your favorite show—filled with anticipation, excitement, and maybe a few snacks on hand? Those were the days! Fast forward to today, and we can stream anything we like, albeit while being bombarded with endless ads—a bittersweet development, to say the least. But let’s face it: no matter the era, the ’80s crafted some of the most unforgettable music videos that still manage to rock our hearts today. So, how well do you really remember these gems from over three decades ago? Trust me, it’s a nostalgic trip worth taking! Buckle up, because we’re about to dive deep into the vivid world of ’80s music videos—let’s see if you can keep up! LEARN MORE

Gone are the days of MTV premiering the latest music video. Thankfully, they are now streamable. But unthankfully, you still have to wait through LOADS of ads to watch them back-to-back.

But to get to the point, I think it’s easy to agree that the ’80s had the best music videos (no competition). But how well do you really remember those iconic music videos from over 35 years ago? I guess we’ll see today…

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